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  • Single White English Daisy Seeds

    Cute single white flower on top of a low growing 6” plant. Perennial flower, 100 days, heirloom, Prefers cool climate as it cannot tolerate high heat (up to around 32 Celcius degree as in zone 9). Excellent choice for flower bed, patio, pots,...

  • Gai Choi Chinese Leaf Mustard Green Seeds

    Strong mustard flavor specialty used widely in Asian pickling, stir fry. 55 days, OP. Grown best in cool climate and more pugnant as the plant grows bigger.

  • Suong Sam Long Yanang Jelly Plant Seeds

    Leaves are used to make jelly refresh drink or soup due to thickening property. It is said to cool down body heat. To make Yanang jell, simply crush, crumple leaves in water until it becomes dark, filer leaves remains, add sugar or some of your signature

  • Long Island Brussels Sprouts Seeds

    115 days, heirloom, high yields upto 100 sprouts for such compact plant (only 24”). The cooler the weather, the sweeter it tastes.

  • Red Russian Kale Seeds

    Heirloom, green serrated leaf, red vein and stems, a cool season kale. Sweet leaves are great for salad, steam, fast stir fry. Kale is a super food and must have for high nutrition. Beware: protect your kale from worms - their favorite! 65 days.

  • Borage Seeds

    annual herb, 110 days, heirloom, about 2 - 3’ tall. Known for its calming effect so also called as Herb of Gladness. Big green leaves and nice blue flower. Leaf, star flower are added to salad, garnish fruit juice drinks.