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Find 8 product have keywords " Cucumis Sativus Seeds "
  • asian yellow stripe melon conomon seeds

    Asian Yellow Stripe Melon Conomon Seeds

    Riping from green to yellow & white stripes. Distict flavor. Use to make smoothie with sugar added, desert, fruit mix,.... 70 - 75 days.
  • spacemaster cucumber seeds

    Spacemaster Cucumber Seeds

    Ideal for small gardening space or growing cucumber in apartments. Short vine produces dark green 7” long cucumber. Good for salad, burger, eating fresh. Cucumber mosaic virus resistant.
  • smr58 pickling cucumber seeds

    SMR58 Pickling Cucumber Seeds

    Dark green fruit with black spined on tapered stem. Highly productive. Fruits are straight and uniform with crisp and fresh sweet flavor perfect for pickling when small for best flavor. Easy to grow on trellis or fence for support. Perfer with well-draine
  • white cucumber seeds

    White Cucumber Seeds

    Crisp, excellent easting fresh or pickles. 15 to 20 cm long. Rare white cucumber variety.
  • brown russian cucumber seeds

    Brown Russian Cucumber Seeds

    Prolific of heirlloom plumb 5 - 7” long yellowish brown skin white flesh with unique taste: crisp, mellow, and sweet.
  • sping f1 cucumber seeds

    Sping F1 Cucumber Seeds

    Slender, dark green fruit that favorited in Japan. The fruit is 9-10 inches long. The diameter is smaller than other regular cucumbers. Its exterior with slender, thin-skinned dark green cucumber and smooth, grooved skin, inner flesh is crisp, firm and mi
  • cluster russian cucumber seeds

    Cluster Russian Cucumber Seeds

    Abundant of 15cm fruits growing in 2 or 3 clusters. Great for pickle and salad.
  • saladmore f1 cucumber seeds

    Saladmore F1 Cucumber Seeds

    Award winning bush-type F1 hybrid cucumber for tight space/garden. Vines are 60cm long with many 12cm long and crisp delicious fruits. 55 days to harvest.
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