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  • baby mix impatiens seeds

    Baby Mix Impatiens Seeds

    One of the most popular flowering varieties. 20 - 25 cm low growing annual mix has bright shades of red, white, pink, carmine, orange,.. and are born for shady containers, patio and garden bed.
  • baby red white mix impatiens seeds

    Baby Red White Mix Impatiens Seeds

    Mix of White & Red flower varieties. One of the most popular flowering varieties. 20 - 25 cm low growing annual are born for shady containers, patio and garden bed.
  • peppermint extra double moss rose seeds

    Peppermint Extra Double Moss Rose Seeds

    Pink Peppermint extra double flowers. Improved varieties for more fluffy flower appearance. Low growing semi-succulent plant mature only upto 6” tall while speading as far as 15” wide; Native to dry Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, moss rose can
  • red veined sorrel seeds

    Red Veined Sorrel Seeds

    Good for both ornamental and culinary purposes. Similar to green version but with beautiful red vein. Best picked when small leaves.
  • milk thistle seeds

    Milk Thistle Seeds

    Main ingredient in many liver-detoxing pills. Grown for its active silymarin component found in this seed, that is responsible for liver building properties. Plant grows up to 200 cm tall, 170 cm spread. White spotted edible leaves. Purple 5cm flower head
  • green white kermit african eggplant seeds

    Green White Kermit African Eggplant Seeds

    Vigorous disease resistant variety, can be grown all year long except when temperature below 15 Celcius degree. Fruit are green white, thick flesh and crunchy. Around 85 days after sowing and harvest frame is in 3 months. Also known as pickling eggplant
  • topnotch heat resistant spinach seeds

    TopNotch Heat Resistant Spinach Seeds

    Outstanding eating quality compared to other heat resistant varieties. Juicy delicious stem. Excellent flavours. Vigorous plant. This variety grows well in high heat climate up to 30 Celcius degree. Ready to harvest in only 30 - 35 days.
  • red kitten spinach seeds

    Red Kitten Spinach Seeds

    Rare red-vein true spinach variety; Great for baby leaf in salad. Upright habit and smooth green leaves.
  • queen sophia french marigold seeds

    Queen Sophia French Marigold Seeds

    AAS award winning French Marigold. Red, deep orange double flowers matures with gold edges and measures around 6 cm in diameter. Strong sturdy stem and very well branching compact plant habit. Plant height 25 - 30 cm. French marigold flowers are edible an
  • white vienna kohlrabi seeds

    White Vienna Kohlrabi Seeds

    60 days, heirloom, best at 2-3” in diameter. Sweet and mild flavor. Great eating raw, in salad, steam or stir fry.
  • purple vienna kohlrabi seeds

    Purple Vienna Kohlrabi Seeds

    60 days, Heirloom, purple kohlrabi type, best flavor at 3 inches. Leaves are edible tasty.
  • green stem pak choi seeds

    Green Stem Pak Choi Seeds

    Big light green leaf, green petioles. Good for stir fries, boiling, soup,... Good heat resistance. 45 days.
  • white stem pak choi seeds

    White Stem Pak Choi Seeds

    Vigorous plant. White 20 cm large pak choi to harvest in 30 days.
  • dwarf polka mix bachelor button seeds

    Dwarf Polka Mix Bachelor Button Seeds

    Dwarf 50cm colorful mix of bright blue, pink, purple, white flowers. One of the easiest flowers to start from seed and makes an excellent cut flower. Soil: well drained and full sun. The Bachelor Button name comes from the tradition of your men
  • garland round leaf shungiku seeds

    Garland Round Leaf Shungiku Seeds

    Edible green chrysanthemum, especially rich Vitamin B & minerals. Round-leaf variety. The large leaf is dark green, oblong broad, less frilly and milder taste than serrated-leaf variety. Green leaves and yellow blooms are cooked or used in salads; normall
  • serrated leaf shungiku seeds

    Serrated Leaf Shungiku Seeds

    Edible green chrysanthemum, serrated-leaf variety, especially rich Vitamin B and minerals. Green leaves and yellow blooms are cooked or used in salads; normally in Asian soup or stir-fry,....Plant is easy to grow in well-drained soil.
  • marguerite oxeye daisy seeds

    Marguerite OxEye Daisy Seeds

    Perennial daisy, up to 80cm tall. Long stem daisy variety with white flower petals and yellow center. Good cut flower.
  • white snow ball matricaria tanacetum parthenium seeds

    White Snow Ball Matricaria Tanacetum Parthenium Seeds

    Creamy white double pompon-like matricaria flowers that grows prolifically on dwaft plant only 20 - 25 cm. Lacy leaves and long nice stems for bouquet and cut flower purpose. Also good for container and patios.
  • white star matricaria tanacetum parthenium seeds

    White Star Matricaria Tanacetum Parthenium Seeds

    Creamy white double pompon-like matricaria flowers: crested white center with yellow eye and larger outside petals. Prolific flowers on dwaft plant only 20 - 25 cm. Lacy leaves and long nice stems for bouquet and cut flower purpose. Also good for containe
  • broadleaf endive seeds

    Broadleaf Endive Seeds

    Broad stem lettuce like leaf. The plant grows 30 - 40 cm tall and much less bitter as an endive than most other curly green endives. Good in salad, sauteed, stir fries, soups, stews,... Stands well in heat.
  • pink gypsophila baby breath seeds

    Pink Gypsophila Baby Breath Seeds

    Annual small-flowered pink baby breath. Easy to grow and widely adaptable. To keep continuous flowering garden, sow this seed every 2 or 3 weeks.
  • alaska shasta daisy seeds

    Alaska Shasta Daisy Seeds

    Huge white petal and yellow centre disk blooms measuring 8 to 10 cm large. Perennial flowering plant 90 - 120cm tall. Easy to grow.
  • lemon mint seeds

    Lemon Mint Seeds

    Pleasant minty citrus like spicy aroma when leaves are crushed. Great for herbal tea and butterfly garden. Lavender pink twisted flower head dotted with purple and lanced leaves. This is why its species name is citriodora that means to have a citrus aroma
  • true watercress seeds

    True Watercress Seeds

    Needless to say, exceptionally nutritious; first rated vegetable even above broccoli in most nutritioin scales there are. The official watercress with latin name Nasturtium Officinale. Plant has regular thirst for water and it is best to establish a clean
  • lemon basil seeds

    Lemon Basil Seeds

    Delicate lemon leaves used in salad and Southeast Asian cuisines, potpourris, tea, chicken, fish. Compact herb bush with medium pointed leaves serrated edges and white flower.
  • genovese basil seeds

    Genovese Basil Seeds

    the best Italian basil variety, widely planted in its hometown Italy. 40 - 60 cm tall plant.
  • hung que cinnamon basil seeds

    Hung Que Cinnamon Basil Seeds

    Distinct spicy cinnamon flavor, popular in both Vietnamese and Thai cuisines. Small narrow green leaves, puple red stems and purple flower.
  • sweet marjoram seeds

    Sweet Marjoram Seeds

    Flavor: similar to Oregano, but sweeter and more balsam-ish. Great in pizza, goose, cajun dishes, sausage, salad,... Compact herb native to Southern Europe and Mediterrranean. Suitable to both pot, patio or normal garden soil.
  • single mix moss rose seeds

    Single Mix Moss Rose Seeds

    Rare beautiful array of colors: pink, yellow, scarlet, purple, rose, white single flowers. Low growing semi-succulent plant mature only upto 6” tall while speading as far as 15” wide; Native to dry Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, moss rose can
  • mountain mint seeds

    Mountain Mint Seeds

    Strong peppermint fragrance. Perennial herb plant grows about 70cm tall and repels bad insects like mosquito very well. To use in drinks, potpourri, salad mix,...
  • gloriosa rudbeckia seeds

    Gloriosa Rudbeckia Seeds

    Large flower about 8 to 10 cm in bronze yellow petal with brown black near flower center . This perennial flower is very tall up to 200 cm, well branching. It is good choice for border plant.
  • dwarf 20cm kewpie celosia seeds

    Dwarf 20cm Kewpie Celosia Seeds

    Dwarf plant about 20cm, & multi-branching. Plume like flowers. Mixture of soft glossy plumes in shade of red, scarlet, yellow, and orange. Great for border plant, pot and patio.
  • crackerjack mix arican marigold seeds

    Crackerjack Mix Arican Marigold Seeds

    Large 10-13cm diameter double booms in orange, yellow and lemon shades. Crackerjack African Marigolds are strong and about 60 - 90 cm tall. It is heat, humid and sun loving. Easy to grow.
  • feverfew seeds

    Feverfew Seeds

    Single white petal strong scented flowers with yellow center. 60 - 80 cm tall herb plant is both ornamental and medicinal. Tea and flower are to make delight tea, sandwich. For medicinal uses, kindly check at wikipedia website and doctor for professional
  • german chamomile seeds

    German Chamomile Seeds

    Prolific white flowers with yellow center, diameter around 3cm. Grown for its pleasant fragrance, dried flowers and leaves to make relaxing tea. 60cm tall plant.
  • big max pumpkin seeds

    Big Max Pumpkin Seeds

    Large fruits up to 100 lbs with deep orange skin and thick, bright yellow fine-grained flesh. Grown widely in USA with foliage green, yellow blooms. Great for pies by using its orange flesh, and delicious with seeds roasted. 120 days to maturity. OP.
  • four angled dragon bean seeds

    Four Angled Dragon Bean Seeds

    A heat and humidity loving bean variety very popular in South Asia, Africa. Green beans are cooked, steamed,stir fried like spinach, tubers like potato,...
  • stevia seeds

    Stevia Seeds

    Stevia natural germination rate is 50 to 60%. Stevia leaves are 30 - 40 times sweeter than common sugar and can be processed into extracts to be 200 - 300 times sweeter than sugar; no calories and so natural. A stevia plant can yield around 200 grams of d
  • daydream cosmos seeds

    Daydream Cosmos Seeds

    Super cute blushing pale cream petal with yellow eye, measuring 5- 8 cm. Plant height 90 - 150 tall.
  • red velvet sunflower seeds

    Red Velvet Sunflower Seeds

    Red bronze petals centered by black disc; total diameter 13cm in a 1.5m tall. Velvet Queen contrasts well with other background yellow flowers like Teddy. 70 days, annual OP.
  • spaghetti squash seeds

    Spaghetti Squash Seeds

    Fibre-like interior that is easy to fork out spaghetti noodle like strings. You could do that right after boiling or baking the squash and cut it into 2 pieces lengthwise. Spaghetti squash is one of a kind!
  • dark green long wax gourd seeds

    Dark Green Long Wax Gourd Seeds

    Dark green skin, greenish white flesh; average weight about 4kg/fruit. Used widely in Asian stir fries, soup, steaming,… Also known as Bi Sat Xanh, Long Wax Grourd, a popular staple in South Asia.
  • dwarf 30cm mix sulphureus cosmos seeds

    Dwarf 30Cm Mix Sulphureus Cosmos Seeds

    30cm Super dwarf sulfur cosmos variety with semi-double flower in red, orange, yellow and white. Tolerates poor and dry soils, high heat conditions. Good for pots, beds, or borders. It is easy to grow and maintain.
  • birdhouse bottle gourd seeds

    BirdHouse Bottle Gourd Seeds

    90 days, Heirloom, edible gourds delicious in Asian soup, steam dishes. Old fully matured fruit has tough rind + skin used to make bird house or ornamental items. 16” to 18” long fruit. Vigorous in warm and hot areas.
  • drumstick tree seeds

    Drumstick Tree Seeds

    A fast growing tropical drought resistant tree, thriving in South Asia. Grown for its young edible young seed pods and leaves, packed with 90+ nutritients and 45+ antioxidants. Great in salad or soup; besides many traditional medicinal uses.
  • sugar snap pea seeds

    Sugar Snap Pea Seeds

    RHS Garden Merit Winner and AAS winner. You cannot be wrong choosing this variety. Comparing with many other varieties, we rate 10/10 in eating quality: outstandingly sweet, juicy crisp thick pods and beans right in the garden. Also great in stir fries, s
  • buag ngu serpent gourd seeds

    Buag Ngu Serpent Gourd Seeds

    Very prolific and vigorous variety producing dark green fruit around 12” long with white stripes. Serves well in Asian dishes like stir fries or soup or steam. It is wide adaptable and has various medicinal and culinary uses.
  • ruby red swiss chard seeds

    Ruby Red Swiss Chard Seeds

    Very decorative! Great in pot, patio. Red stem and veins with green leaves. Swiss Chard is nutritious, tasty and is great in soup, steam, stir fries, stews,... Easy to grow.
  • 40cm tall mix vinca periwinkle seeds

    40cm Tall Mix Vinca Periwinkle Seeds

    Tall variety. Perennial in tropical climate. Very heat resistant and low maintenance type of flower. The plant grows to 40cm height. Suitable for small pot, patio, balcony, and garden bed.
  • ss1 tender tasty collard seeds

    SS1 Tender Tasty Collard Seeds

    Exceptional eating quality for collards, tasty, sweet, tender leaves, petioles and even the stem. Highly recommended! Except for the root, you cannot waste any thing from this variety. For higher eating quality, harvest before bolting. Each plant weighs a
  • kido dwarf 60cm mix cosmos seeds

    Kido Dwarf 60cm Mix Cosmos Seeds

    Graceful mixture of simple cutflowers finely compact lacy foliage; bursting in bright shades of red, carmine, pink and white make into a vivid garden and full useful insect attraction.Short stem, easy to grow and develop quickly to flower from seed. Excel
  • asian heirloom climbing bean seeds

    Asian Heirloom Climbing Bean Seeds

    Heirloom pole bean type. Need trelise and well drained soil.
  • chinese forget me not seeds

    Chinese Forget Me Not Seeds

    Deep blue flower in well behaved bush. Aka Dog’ tongue, Chinese hound tongue, Chinese forget me not flower is garden favorite and AAS winner.
  • lunar white carrot seeds

    Lunar White Carrot Seeds

    Rare white carrot, crunchy and mild, almost coreless. Average 20cm long.
  • black spanish carrot seeds

    Black Spanish Carrot Seeds

    Black skin with orange flesh carrot. The level of darkness represents level of antioxidant substance called anthoxianin. High nutrition value at the expense of yielding. A cool season variety. 70 days.
  • purple coneflower seeds

    Purple Coneflower Seeds

    Brightly coloured large blossoms of purple petals and many medicinal uses. Vigorous perennial plant. Easy to grow and could take up to 20 days to germinate and also a wonderful addition for your garden.
  • pinky mix paper daisy strawflower seeds

    Pinky Mix Paper Daisy Strawflower Seeds

    Gorgeous blend of pink, white petals with shining yellow center disk. This special mix of strawflower has 3cm blooms is sure to make eye catching garden, patio. Plan height is 60cm. Note on drying strawflowers: cut them as soon as buds appear to bloom ope
  • camellia mix garden balsam seeds

    Camellia Mix Garden Balsam Seeds

    Mix of white, pink, red, violet, salmon. Vigorous plant and easy to grow even in humid and hot areas. Balsam has seedpods loaded with seeds that burst open when touched and project the seeds far away. Self sow.
  • mix tree mallow seeds

    Mix Tree Mallow Seeds

    RHS Garden of Merit award winning variety mix of white, pink and rose. Hibiscus like flowers 10 to 13cm large appear from July to September on annual shrub plant of 75 - 90 cm tall. Easy to grow.
  • vietnamese perilla tia to beefsteak mint seeds

    Vietnamese Perilla Tia To Beefsteak Mint Seeds

    Member of the mint family with stronger, more aromatic flavor than Japanese varieties. Smaller green leaves than Hojiso green at topside and deep red at bottom. Great in seafood, salad, shrimp and fish.
  • korean perilla seeds

    Korean Perilla Seeds

    Korean specialty. Unique flavour like mint + basil. Delicious in BBQ dishes. Upper part of leave is green while the back is red blush in green theme. Best harvest in the morning. Color contrast depends on temperature changes.
  • imperial pincushion mix scabiosa seeds

    Imperial Pincushion Mix Scabiosa Seeds

    Rose, lavender, pink, white, purple pincushion flower mix. Fluffy, ball like double blossoms 8cm in diameter on nice long stems. Honey like fragrance. Easy to grow cut flower and butterfly, bee magnet. 100 cm tall.
  • large red cherry tomato heirloom seeds

    Large Red Cherry Tomato Heirloom Seeds

    Large and vigorous tree producing delicious 3 - 4cm large red sweet firm tomatoes with excellent flavours. 80 days
  • ideal florist mix verbena seeds

    Ideal Florist Mix Verbena Seeds

    Peach, purple, red, white and burgundy mix of colors. Heat and sun loving plant, easy to grow and reseed readily. It can take up to 25 days to germinate. Pls be patient.
  • little mix vinca periwinkle seeds

    Little Mix Vinca Periwinkle Seeds

    Colorful mix of pink, rose, white, deep rose, and red white bicolor. Very heat resistant and low maintenance type of flower. The plant grows to 25cm height. Suitable for small pot, patio, balcony, and garden bed.
  • little pink vinca periwinkle seeds

    Little Pink Vinca Periwinkle Seeds

    Pink variety. Very heat resistant and low maintenance type of flower. The plant grows to 25cm height. Suitable for small pot, patio, balcony, and garden bed.
  • little rose vinca periwinkle seeds

    Little Rose Vinca Periwinkle Seeds

    Rose pink variety. Very heat resistant and low maintenance type of flower. The plant grows to 25cm height. Suitable for small pot, patio, balcony, and garden bed.
  • little bright eyes vinca periwinkle seeds

    Little Bright Eyes Vinca Periwinkle Seeds

    White with deep red eyes. Very heat resistant and low maintenance type of flower. The plant grows to 25cm height. Suitable for small pot, patio, balcony, and garden bed.
  • russian tarragon seeds

    Russian Tarragon Seeds

    a French tarragon substitute. Less intense in flavour than French tarragon but can be grown from seeds and much hardier. Goes well in poultry, sauces, soup and stews. Russian Tarragon has some medicinal uses and assists with digestions, palatability,... P
  • southern giant curled mustard seeds

    Southern Giant Curled Mustard Seeds

    Beautiful heirloom mustard, curly at leaf edges. Large, vigorous mustard variety was AAS award winner. Great served young in salad, stir fry. 42 days to maturity.
  • asian heirloom bush bean seeds

    Asian Heirloom Bush Bean Seeds

    Heirloom bush bean type. No need for trelise. Easy to grow in large pot/patio. Requires well drained soil.
  • double mix cantebury bells seeds

    Double Mix Cantebury Bells Seeds

    Long strong spikes of Cantebury bell shaped double flowers in white, pink, blue shades. 90 cm tall biennial plant is good cut flower. Prefers well drained soil; and low humidity, cool weather.
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