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  • Garland Round Leaf Shungiku Seeds

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  • Oregano Seeds

    Bushy perennial herb native to Mediterranean. Italian Oregano has purple brown stem, green leaves sometimes red blushed; flower: white to rose. Use in salad, Mexican, Italian and Greek cuisines; companion spices with tomato, onion, garlic, beef. Suitable

  • Radiance Cosmos Seeds

    Award winning cosmos Radiance has red petals centered by deep red shade and yellow center. This 90 - 150 cm tall annual beauty is good choice for garden borders, cutting flower. Tolerates poor and dry soils, high heat conditions.

  • Aladdin Five Color Hot Pepper Seeds

    Yellow, creamy, purple, orange, red conical pepper fruits on very dwarf plant of about 30cm tall. Excellent border or pot and patio plants.

  • Italian Giant Plain Parsley Seeds

    Flat dark green parsley superb for authentic Italian cuisines. Nice rich aromatic flavor. Vigorous, upright stem, thich stalk. Easy to grow.

  • Cherry Belle Radish Seeds

    Widely adaptable and reliable very popular in many climates. Pure white, crisp white flesh. Red scarlet, smooth round skin. Nice short top. Flesh is very slow to turn woody.

  • Green Curled Kale Seeds

    Standard heirloom green curled kale. 80 days. Protect your kale from worms and bugs because they are well aware that kale is a high nutrition super food.

  • Spookie Pumpkin Seeds

    Sweet delicious thick-flesh ice box size pumpkin. Fruit weighs around 2 lbs, and measures 15 - 20 cm in diameture.

  • Single Mix Dwarf Dahlia Seeds

    Grows 10 to 16 inches tall. Single daisy-like blooms in many colors: purple, red, salmon, white, rose, yellow. Prefer a well-drained, rich light soil, and full sunshine. Easy to grow in beds, containers or borders. Attracts many insects and birds. Dwarf t

  • Porter Tomato Seeds

    Gorgeous egg-shaped dark pink tomato variety born for Texas high heat and low humidity. Fruit weighs 60 to 100 grams. Good for salad, canning, saucees,... High yields in 80 days.

  • Single Mix Cantebury Bells Seeds

    Beautiful long strong spikes of Cantebury bell shaped single flowers in white, pink, light blue, blue shades. 90 cm tall biennial plant is good cut flower. Prefers well drained soil; and low humidity, cool weather.

  • Green Ball Summer Squash Seeds

    Compact bush zucchini plant growing 60 cm tall and produces oblong zucchini measuring 8 - 10 cm in just 45 days. Best eating quality is when the fruit is around 6cm. As a zucchini, the whole plant is edible. Stalk, leaves, stems are cooked well in soups,