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    Perennial daisy, up to 80cm tall. Long stem daisy variety with white flower petals and yellow center. Good cut flower.

  • Autumn Beauty Sunflower Seeds

    7’ tall multi-branching sunflower plant hosts an array of brilliant colors red, yellow, gold, burgundy and brown; and even bicolor combinations. Long flowering period. A long time garden favorite.

  • White Round African Eggplant Seeds

    Vigorous disease resistant variety, can be grown all year long except when temperature below 15 Celcius degree. Fruit are white about 2” diameter, thick flesh and crunchy. Around 85 days after sowing and harvest frame is in 3 months.

  • Blue Mealycup Sage Seeds

    RHS Garden Merit award winning variety, perennial growing 60cm tall. Beautiful violet blue flower spike on long stem. Wonderful cut or dry flower, border, pot plant.

  • Red F1 Pak Choi Seeds

    F1 pac choi. Red leaves, green on the underside; light green petioles. Great for baby leaf and full maturity green. Slow to bolt.

  • Scarlet Ohara Morning Glory Seeds

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  • PennyRoyal Seeds

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  • Scarlet Bean Seeds

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  • Red Asparagus Seeds

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  • Blueberry Seeds

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  • Di Ciccio Broccoli Seeds

    An old reliable Italian broccoli variety for baby 9cm heads. Not as uniform as other broccoli hybrids but are super productive with multiple heads over long period. Suitable for raised beds in garden.

  • Garden Bird Chilli Pepper Seeds

    85 days, OP, originally from Thailand. Strong robust plant, container friendly. Fruit is short 2.5cm. Very fruity and more flavorful than the 6cm Bird Eye Chilli variety.