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    Small Medium iceberg type. Can form head in tropical heat and humidity condition. 35 days.

  • FordHook Giant Swiss Chard Seeds

    RHS Award winning thick huge stalk, dark green savoyed tender leaves in high yield even in good heat. One of the best swiss chards. Stays well in container, patio.

  • Russian Tarragon Seeds

    a French tarragon substitute. Less intense in flavour than French tarragon but can be grown from seeds and much hardier. Goes well in poultry, sauces, soup and stews. Russian Tarragon has some medicinal uses and assists with digestions, palatability,... P

  • Dwarf Polka Mix Bachelor Button Seeds

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  • Georgia Collards Seeds

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  • TopNotch Heat Resistant Spinach Seeds

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  • Champion Radish Seeds

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  • Tall Mix Celosia Plume Seeds

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  • Red Oxheart Tomato Seeds

    Originated from Hungary. Large red heart-shaped tomato has firm meaty fruit that weighs upto 400 grams with some exceptions at 900 grams. Plant needs staking to help it hold large fruits against strong winds. Plant height around 180cm. 85 days

  • Seashell Mix Cosmos Seeds

    Lightly tufted petals resembling seashells in glamorous colors such as carmine, rose, pink, and white. Tolerates poor and dry soils, high heat conditions. Good for cut flowers, pots, beds, or borders.

  • Prizehead Leaf Lettuce Seeds

    Large green curled leaves with red maroon edges. Great for salad.

  • TropRuby F1 Tomato Seeds

    Good heat resistance type cherry tomato up to 30 Celcius degree. Very sweet 8 - 9 brix. Fruit weight 11 -12 grams. Semi-determinate type. F1 hybrid