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  • SS1 Tender Tasty Collard Seeds

    Exceptional eating quality for collards, tasty, sweet, tender leaves, petioles and even the stem. Highly recommended! Except for the root, you cannot waste any thing from this variety. For higher eating quality, harvest before bolting. Each plant weighs a

  • Water Mimosa Seeds

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  • Aladdin Five Color Hot Pepper Seeds

    Yellow, creamy, purple, orange, red conical pepper fruits on very dwarf plant of about 30cm tall. Excellent border or pot and patio plants.

  • Co Muc False Daisy Seeds

    Known by other names: Bhringaraj, Lan Lian Cao, ... Grown for many medicinal remedies involving liver, asthma, and kidney... Leaf juice is to dye and restore hair. Sun, heat and humidity loving perennial herb plant. Tolerant of poor soil.

  • Vietnamese Fragrance Bunching Onion Seeds

    Very vigorous and heat resistant plant. 30 cm long. Strong flavour and long lasting.

  • Sensation Mix Cosmos Seeds

    A mix of cosmos bipinnatus varieties. All time favorite mix of single flowers. Prefer full sun; tolerates poor soil, heat and little care required. Also knrown as garden cosmos. AAS winner.

  • Upland Cress Seeds

    An easy to grow cress, annual, 50 days to maturity, growing up to 6” tall. Edible shoots, leaves, flower are highly nutritious, tasty, mild peppery flavor. Upland is very similar to watercress Nasturtium officinale but much easier to grow. You can h

  • Early Prolific Summer Squash Seeds

    12” long lemon yellow fruits with tapered neck towards the stem end and prefer to grow in humus-rich soil or well-drained soil. Low in fat and carbohydrate, rich in Vitamin C, Potassium and Magnesium. Best used for cooking as stuffed and baked, gril

  • Rocky Ford Melon Seeds

    Deep fine grained green flesh and heavily netted skin. Average weight 2.5 lbs. Uniform in oval with slenderly ribbed and dense netting. Its fine grained green flesh with crisp, fresh sweet taste favorited by home gardeners as well as market gardeners. Goo

  • Garland Round Leaf Shungiku Seeds

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  • Korean Perilla Seeds

    Korean specialty. Unique flavour like mint + basil. Delicious in BBQ dishes. Upper part of leave is green while the back is red blush in green theme. Best harvest in the morning. Color contrast depends on temperature changes.

  • Lemon Mint Seeds

    Pleasant minty citrus like spicy aroma when leaves are crushed. Great for herbal tea and butterfly garden. Lavender pink twisted flower head dotted with purple and lanced leaves. This is why its species name is citriodora that means to have a citrus aroma