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    French strawberry with smaller berries and distinct sweet flavor. Great border and container choice.

  • Edible Burdock Seeds

    A nutritious specialty biannual root herb that cooks like normal carrot in soups, stews. Flavor: similar to carrot but with distinct earthy taste. Besides, Japanese herbalists claims burdock to have various medicinal properties. Root can also be used dry.

  • East Indian Lemon Grass Seeds

    Fragrance similar to traditional culinary lemon grass. Long leaves. Plant height about 100 - 130cm. Great dry and fresh for culinary purposes.

  • Upland Cress Seeds

    An easy to grow cress, annual, 50 days to maturity, growing up to 6” tall. Edible shoots, leaves, flower are highly nutritious, tasty, mild peppery flavor. Upland is very similar to watercress Nasturtium officinale but much easier to grow. You can h

  • Gloriosa Rudbeckia Seeds

    Large flower about 8 to 10 cm in bronze yellow petal with brown black near flower center . This perennial flower is very tall up to 200 cm, well branching. It is good choice for border plant.

  • Honeydew Orange Flesh Melon Seeds

    Delicious muskmelon with smooth skin and creamy light green juicy flesh! This great quality honeydew flesh turns pale yellow with orange hues when it is ready to harvest. Good shipping quality.

  • Baby Carmine Impatiens Seeds

    Carmine Red flower variety. One of the most popular flowering varieties. 20 - 25 cm low growing annual are born for shady containers, patio and garden bed.

  • Water Mimosa Seeds

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  • Korean Perilla Seeds

    Korean specialty. Unique flavour like mint + basil. Delicious in BBQ dishes. Upper part of leave is green while the back is red blush in green theme. Best harvest in the morning. Color contrast depends on temperature changes.

  • Red Russian Kale Seeds

    Heirloom, green serrated leaf, red vein and stems, a cool season kale. Sweet leaves are great for salad, steam, fast stir fry. Kale is a super food and must have for high nutrition. Beware: protect your kale from worms - their favorite! 65 days.

  • World Most Expensive Aji Charapita Pepper Seeds

    Known as world most expensive pepper! Very prolific pepper originated in Peru, producing hundreds of fruit. Bright yellow fruit that looks very similar to tepin chilli. Outstanding citrus flavors and heat. Container friendly.

  • Watermelon Radish Seeds

    Also known as Rose-Heart Radish or Red Meat Radish. A unique heirloom originated in China. Large 6 - 10cm, eye-catching pink flesh with creamy color outside, very sweet and delicious! When temperature drops, it becomes sweeter. Great eating fresh, steam,